My Dragon is very old
from what I am told.
She had more wrinkles
than a 200 year old toad.
My dragon is ugly
I said happily.
For she had huge dimples
on her hands and wrinkles.
My Dragon has bad breath.
I would sooner face death
than smell her horrible wrath.
Her breath was so bad that she stunk
worse than that of a dead skunk.
My Dragon is so witch-like
that there is none of her like.
With her short, bony toes
she terrorizes her foes.
That is the reason why
she is quite a sight
to see on Halloween night.
My Dragon is bony
and she is also quite horny.
If you look carefully
you can see her carpels,
phalanges, metacarpals,
tarsals, and metatarsals.
That is my bony Dragon.