Cover Photo By: Lisa Runnels via Pixabay

I Am All That I Am

I am the shy little bunny
I am the last drop of honey
I am the hidden tiger
I am the river Niger
I am the shadow creeping along your bedside
The mystery, the danger inside and outside
I am the one in your worst nightmare
The only one that will always care
I am all that I am

I am the night
I’ll never be in your sight
I am always at your seat
No matter how fast your retreat
I am the moth gliding to and fro
The creepy, the weird wherever I go
I am the one in your empty pantry
The only one that rightly recites my poetry
I am all that I am

I am the light
I am always feeling quite trite
I may not be very bright
But I’ll always put up a good fight
I am the dust playing under your bed
The unknown, the invisible staring over your head
I am the one in your dirty laundry
The one that makes all less hortatory
I am all that I am

I am the ghost in now and then
They call me “Bill,” but you call me “Ben”
They cry, they yell, they flee
They hunt, they search, and they deplete
At night I rattle and cry in woe
At light I am neither friend nor foe
Because at first light I evaporate
Then at night I reciprocate
The ghost in now and then am I

I am the deer the hunters can’t kill
I am the beef that won’t cook on the grill
I am the tree alone in the pastures
I am the object beyond any human measures
I am the cobweb in your bare and empty attic
The invisible, and the strength behind every tactic
I am the one in your forgotten
The only one you’ll never flatten
I am all that I am

I am the dead
I am the homestead
I am the ending
I am the beginning
I am the unknown in your knowledge
The unwanted, the frightened in every college
I am the one you’ll never know
The one that comes with the snow
I am all that I am

I am the living
I am the seeing
I am the buried
I will not be hurried
I am the homeless sleeping here and there
The dirty, the hungry that do stare
I am the one in the house of cardboard
The one with a pen as a sword
I am all that I am

I am the phantom of life
My terror strikes like a knife
My respect rewards with glory
My history tells a long story
My friendship protects with shield
My love grants flowers in a field
My hatred makes all queasy
My anger pleases quite easy
The phantom of life am I

I am the legendary golden fleece
I am the missing puzzle piece
I am the fearless lion, and the king
I am the bell without a ring-a-ding-ding
I am the darkness waiting for my prey
The vicious, the unfair everywhere you stay
I am the one in every single niche
The only one that has no single pitch
I am all that I am

If thou be a friend
A letter I shall send
If thou be a foe
Somewhere else I shall go
I am the pigeon people long for
You see me in the sky when I soar
A friend to many I can be
Once a friend, never a foe to thee
I am all that I am

I am a follower
I am a leader
I am the old wreck of a house
I am the weak little mouse
I am the eagle that you caged
The trapped, the fighting that has aged
I am the free and the soaring wonder
The one created in reckless blunder
I am all that I am

The confined am I
My spirit trapped without reason
My mood changes with the season
My work is my pride
In my own house I hide
My art is what I feel
I destiny is carved in steel
My soul soaked in sin
I am trapped by this worldly bin

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