Cover Photo By: Redd Angelo via Pexels

For You To Love Me So [Music Sheet]

C                  G
Sitting alone in a world of despair
C                   G
I shed my tears and I cry in vain
C                   G
In the mirror a man empty and poor
C                G
Fame and fortune only lead to pain
G     D       Em             C            G
Where has the joy of my true love for you gone?
G D            Em         C  G
I hear a voice calling my name
I hear the call of my First Love

C                  G
I brought to earth a world of suffering         
C               G
A world of sin, and a world of death
C                G
Ever so selfish, I denied my own sins
C               G
Never realizing the hurt I caused you
G D         Em                 C             G
I prayed to false gods and the idols of this world
G   D        Em               C      G
Claiming the world my own and me the king           
I broke your heart and found pleasure

C                    G
Everyday you sit and wait for me           
C                G
Ever so patient, with me the prodigal
C                     G
Though, I never show, you continue to be faithful
C              G
How many times have I broken my word
G D             Em             C    G
I promise you I'd love you everyday
G   D            Em                   C   G
And everyday I'd nail you back on the cross
G   D
Yet you continue to love me

    C                    D          G
So, How could it be? How is it possible?
    D              C
For you to love me so?
C                      D
What have I done? What have I said?
    G      D          C
For you to love me so much?                     
             D                  G         D   C
What am I to you that you could love me so?
Why did you give your life for me?
C            D          C          D               G
What did you ask of me? What did I do to gain your love?

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