From the darkness of the morning
a glimmer of light appeared.
Rising slowly inch by inch.
Slowly the vast sky became brighter and brighter.
The sun extended itself through the window
onto my wooden desk stained with paint.
A desk covered with books and pappers,
with an alarm clock at the corner.
Inch by inch a ray of light
spread across the room
and slowly illuminated my body.
First the left side, then the right side.
Now creeping slowly upwards
until I was immersed in the warmth of the sunlight.
With the sunlight shinning upon my face, I awoke.
Today was to be a great day: a day of joy,
for me at least.
Brush my yellow, smelly teeth. Comb my messed up hair
and eat a hot and delicious breakfast!
For god’s sake! I’m already late!
Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hut, two, hut, two!
Put on my white socks and stinky old shoes!
Out the front door I flew!
There I stood with my brother on an empty corner.
It was cold like the arctic winters
and, yet, it was not snowing nor raining, sleeting.
Nor hailing.
As a matter of fact it was not even winter nor even autumn.
Nor was it cloudy.
It was a windy and sunny day,
but there I stood waiting;
Waiting for my ride to canoeing.
I stood waiting while you rustled my hair, hit my face,
and made tears flow from my eyes.
I stood waiting while you went through into my coat
and gave me goose bumps and still I stood waiting.
As time passed the weather became warmer and warmer
and still even warmer.
Not only that, but my patience was running out.
Then from a distance a van appeared.
A peach, full-sized van coming toward me.
It seemed like it took forever for the van to arrive,
while I stood freezing to death.
Once about ten feet away the van started to brake
and came to a screeching halt in front of me.
The door opens and from out of the darkness a face appeared!
But, ho, it was my friend!
Sitting on the smooth and hard surface of a metal contraption.
A contraption that is hollow in the middle.
A contraption that resembled a long slander bowl.
I sat there touching your smooth and cool surface.
It breaks into rings and roughens.
I sat and stared at the different structures upon you.
I watch you as you move aside for my contraption.
I saw your trees and your squirrels as I glided by.
I know without you there would be no life.
AS I sat there wondering I knew this would all end soon.
I would be an old creature sitting in the same metal contraption.
Still watching you
and touching and needing you.
I knew this moment would not last forever,
and would disappear like a dream,
but I will always remember this one precious moment
with you, dear mother of all nature.