love is only as blind as we want it to be love is only as kind as we want it to be love is only as gentle as we want it to be love is only as warm as we want it to be love is only as powerful as we want it to be …

love is only as blind as we want it to be love is only as kind as we want it to be love is only as gentle as we want it to be love is only as warm as we want it to be love is only as powerful as we want it to be …
My Dragon is very old from what I am told. She had more wrinkles than a 200 year old toad. My dragon is ugly I said happily. For she had huge dimples on her hands and wrinkles. My Dragon has bad breath. I would sooner face death than smell her horrible wrath. Her breath was …
How I do love you Fair lady of mine Your eyes so dear Your face so pure Dear lady of mine How I do want you Fair lady of mine Your rosey beauty Your unique faith Dear lady of mine How I do love you Fair lady of mine Your endless love Your tender touch …
I am the shy little bunny I am the last drop of honey I am the hidden tiger I am the river Niger I am the shadow creeping along your bedside The mystery, the danger inside and outside I am the one in your worst nightmare The only one that will always care I am …
“warmth” “emptiness” “bliss” “happiness” “tenderness” “motherly love” “hopeless” “demanding” “everlasting” “blind” “painful” “selfish” “heartless” “endless” “healing” “dying” “dying…death…dying…” “Romeo”
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